Get ready to take travel planning to the next level with Notion.
Travelo helps you to turn your travel bucket list into a bulletproof action plan and help you manage all your adventures in single common workspace. It organizes your bucket lists from scratch and helps you to convert them into the most cherishable memory. It will be the most valuable asset to your existing notion workspace if you a traveller or someone who is looking to explore more of this world.
We all have witnessed a situation in last year where people get separated from each other even living in one home.
The clock of this planet has stopped at some point for all of us in the last couple of months and honestly, it has taught us the importance of traveling and exploring in life. Travel is a force for good in the world. It opens your mind, fosters cultural understanding and connectedness. That's what makes me design this product to give a new perspective to the people.
Travelo Features:
The system is organized into 5 Key Sections:
Trips: Begining to the end of travel planning
Expense: Travel expense management
Travel Journal: Travel diary-keeping system
Documents: Advance document management system
Database: Database for all the data of the system
Travelo includes Notion template and all additional components associated with system efficiency and accessibility.
5+ Advance Template sections
1 Widget (Including setup documentation)
Notion Setup Guide (Sections in templates)
Prefilled Country Database
Detailed Overview:
Widget: Life progress bar
Upcoming trip dashboard
Bucket List Manager
Plan Things to do
Plan places to visit
Plan Accommodation
Plan Links
Plan Transportation
Itenary Management
Packing List
Expense tracker On-trip and Pre-tripExpense
Expense manager for all trips
Post-trip analysisTravel Journal
Travel Journal template (with advance database relations)
Document Management
Manage travel and non-travel-related document (Tickets, ID, Bookings, Guides)Database
All the system data will be stored in the Master database areaSetup
Travelo Setup instruction and guide
Does this work on the free version of Notion?
Yes. Once you've made the purchase, I will send you a link to duplicate this to your Notion workspace. You don't need to be on Notion's Personal Pro plan to use it. However, as this is a comprehensive template, which includes templates for pages, databases, and views. If you're using a free account on Notion, you may hit their cap on the number of active blocks. I'd recommend a paid plan to get the most out of Travelo.